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With this program you collect and clip Box Tops For Education labels from a variety of different product including snacks, school supplies and cleaning products - see a complete product list (PDF). Each Box Top label earns Hillcrest Elementary 10¢. Even dimes can add up super quick, so please be sure to check the packaging of household products the next time you are out shopping.

Traditional Box Tops clips are being phased out of production, but are still being accepted while old packaging remain in stores – just make sure each label you cut out has a clearly visible product acronym and valid expiration date.
The Box Tops App is so easy to use!
See how to scan your store receipt and earn cash for your school in this new video. https://youtu.be/qWuXDKejVEg
*Note: Only the latest version of the mobile app allows you to give a teacher credit towards your scanned receipts, so be sure to update your app if you installed it earlier in the year.
You can also check for special bonus point announcements on the Box Tops Website.

With the Box Tops for Education app, you can turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school.
BoxTops will be phasing out the actual clippings, but they will still be collecting unexpired labels while older packages remain in stores.
This is what the New Box Tops label looks like. When you see this on a product, you have 14 days from the purchase date to scan the receipt with the new BoxTops mobile app. All eligible products on a single receipt will be accounted for.