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Hillcrest Elementary PTA Officer Roles
PTA leadership roles are volunteer positions, and each individual is elected by PTA members. Below we have added descriptions of each PTA role. For Guides and Handbooks pertaining to each role, visit Washington State’s PTA website.
Your PTA members look to you for leadership in creating partnerships within your community and fostering an environment where family engagement is encouraged and respected.
Chairing Board and general meetings;
Overseeing fiscal compliance;
Serving as a liaison with school administration or community partners;
Checking in regularly with officers and committees to ensure the overall plan is on target;
Identifying challenges and inviting solutions;
Familiarizing yourself with all PTA programs and resources;
Representing PTA to the community;
Recruiting and mentoring volunteers and future leaders;
Ensuring our legal entity remains in good standing at all levels; and
Volunteering at events, when available.
Great presidents often have leadership, planning, and public speaking skills and experience.
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You may be called upon at any time to assume the role of president, temporarily or until the position is filled in accordance with your bylaws.
Implementing duties delegated by the president;
Representing the president in his or her absence;
Performing specific duties as provided for in the bylaws;
Familiarizing yourself with all PTA programs and resources; and
Preparing for leadership by attending additional trainings and events that may be offered by your council, region, state or National PTA.
Great presidents often have leadership, planning, and public speaking skills and experience.
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You will serve your PTA by keeping an accurate record of meetings, which become part of the permanent history of the PTA. In some PTAs, the Secretary also has the responsibility of maintaining all PTA correspondence, including communications with members and notifications for meetings. Because of this, sometimes this position is split into two roles: Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary.
Working with the President to create a meeting agenda;
Sending out meeting announcements, agendas, and supporting documents;
Taking attendance and checking for quorum (minimum number of members who must be present to conduct business at a meeting) during voting;
Documenting all board and general membership meetings, includes taking minutes, counting and recording any votes; and
Presenting the draft minutes of the previous meeting, making any corrections and ensuring approved minutes are included in your PTA's permanent record and also available to the general membership;
Great secretaries often have prior volunteer and/or meeting experience and are enthusiastic about PTA.
Your PTA relies on you to ensure that appropriate financial records are kept, a budget is established and followed, and controls are in place to prevent theft or fraud.
Keeping accurate records and submitting written financial statements for meetings;
Chairing the Budget Committee, which prepares and monitors the annual budget;
Ensuring an audit, financial review, or compilation is done in accordance with the bylaws;
Preparing an annual report to be used to review your PTA financial records;
Filing your PTA's 990 report to the IRS on time-if your unit is a 501(c)(3);
Submitting state-level reports and filings as required;
Overseeing proper handling of money, such as ensuring money is collected, counted, recorded, and deposited promptly and appropriately; and
Ensuring financial checks and balances are in place at all times.
Great treasurers often have skills or experience with basic financial management. Training and tools are available from your state PTA and National PTA.
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You will help grow PTA membership and recruit volunteers for various Programs and Events at Hillcrest Elementary.
Works with the PTA president, principal and teachers to coordinate volunteer assignments at the school to support student success;
Collaborates with other PTA board members, teachers and administrators to assess and identify how parents/guardians and community members can get more involved at school as volunteers;
Oversees volunteer recruitment, training and assignments;
Promotes PTA goals, membership and activities as a PTA committee chairman or officer;.
A successful membership coordinator is well-organized, friendly and has great communication skills.
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You will be the digital voice of our PTA, in charge of communicating future goals and events, and sharing pictures and stories of past activities and improvements via the PTA website and social media outlets.
Give a regular communications report to your PTA;
Create and find custom graphics to promote PTA programs and events;
Maintain an up-to-date website;
Use social media to communicate with members;
Encourage officers and chairmen to contribute short articles and reports for the newsletter, website, or social media site;
Provide media releases as requested; and
Receive approval from President before posting communications.
If you are a creative person, who enjoys writing and posting things on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and the thought of maintaining a website does not intimidate you, then you would be great in this role.
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